Blackpool & Fylde Beekeepers
Members of the BBKA

Blackpool & Fylde Beekeepers
Renewal or Joining form
Before completing or
Downloading the form
. please read the
guidance notes first

BBKA Number
Select your registration type
Select your hive numbers
I wish the L&NWBKA to treat all subscriptions I pay and
all donations I make from the date of this declaration,
until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid Donations
Please note that a condition of membership is your
agreement to membership details being held on a
computer. This information will be used for the efficient
running of the association by its officials, for the
distribution of the BBKA magazine, for BBKA Insurance,
for Bee Disease Insurance, and passed to the Regional
Bee Inspector for inclusion on BeeBase to aid them in the
control of notifiable bee diseases�.


